Supporting Graduate Students' Academic and Professional Success

As we head into the final month of this academic year, many of us are most likely overwhelmed with coursework, research, and preparation for summer and next year’s funding. To some of us, Spring quarter can be the most exhausting quarter of all. Therefore, it is important to remind ourselves to enjoy moments of joy and appreciate the mundane. Read on for a list of the small things that have brought the GradSuccess team some joy and comfort this spring!
Hillary, GradSuccess Director
“My favorite thing is the spring in my backyard!”
[Image Description: White flowers covered in raindrops]
Pictured: The blossoming flowers remind us spring is here!
Alexis, Graduate Writing Center (GWC) Coordinator
“This picture actually contains two of my favorite things! First, reading books (especially fantasy/urban fantasy novels) has always been my favorite way to wind down after work. Second, the glass bookends/candy dish were gifts from my grandfather, who worked at Imperial Glass factory in Bellaire, OH and collected a lot of pieces before he retired. In addition to being pretty, these pieces remind me of all the great times and conversations I had with him. If you're interested in glassware and/or history, you can read more about Imperial Glass here!"
[Image Description: A clear glass candy dish, a pair of bookends, and a few urban fantasy novels]
Pictured: What’s more soothing than reading some urban fantasy novels and reminiscing about all the great times and conversations with grandpa?
Judy, Graduate Student Mentorship Program (GSMP) Co-Coordinator
“Recently, my favorite thing to do is to take daily walks with my three dogs around sunset. They get me out of the house for some fresh air and we all get to enjoy the perfect temperature around this time of the year - as we all know that does not last long in Riverside.”
[Image Description: Three large dogs stopping at a stop sign]
Pictured: Dogs: “Mom, do we have to stop at every stop sign?” Mom: “No, I just need to catch my breath from being pulled by all three of you.”
Kristoffer, Graduate Student Resource Center (GSRC) Lead Consultant
“When I left Norway in 2018 to come to UCR, I left pretty much everything. I couldn't fit as many books or clothes as I wanted, nor could I fit my friends and family. What I did bring was a small green, cyan, and burgundy dragon made of tucked wool. It was given to me for my 25th birthday by a friend. She made it through an old process where wool is 'tucked' together with a needle to make it thick and compact. I've tried to do it myself and I keep myself in awe of her dedication. Now that I am here in the US, it reminds of where I come from and the people who are waiting for me there - also it's pretty cute.”
[Image Description: A tucked-wool dragon]
Pictured: How to train your dragon in real life
Matt, GradQuant Lead Consultant
“I enjoy baking bread. I bake at least one loaf of bread per week. I learned how to bake bread in early 2020, when I was spending lots of time at home. Making bread from scratch is a mentally stimulating and rewarding--homemade bread is delicious! Also, it is good family fun. My brother bakes also, and we regularly compare loaves.”
[Image Description: Croissants expanding in the oven]
Pictured: I may never properly pronounce “croissants”, but it does not stop me from enjoying them.
Nathaly, Graduate Student Resource Center (GSRC) Lead Consultant
“My dog Honey continues to bring be happiness, peace, and comfort into my life. I am forever thankful for her. She never fails to be excited to see me. She leaves me gifts at my door when she sees that I have been having a stressful day and knows exactly what to do to cheer up my day. I really appreciate her companion during my doctoral journey”
[Image Description: A puppy yawning under the sheets]
Pictured: Is it Monday again? Oh wait, I don’t need to worry about that since I’m a puppy.
Sarah, Teaching Assistant Development Program (TADP) Coordinator
“In the past year I started doing jigsaw puzzles as a way to not think about work (which doesn't always work.) I really enjoy doing them but my cat Little Kitty likes to 'help' by laying on top of the puzzle pieces and demanding tummy rubs whenever I'm working on the puzzle. This makes doing puzzles very cute and also very time-consuming!”
[Image Description: A kitty laying among puzzle pieces]
Pictured: Kitty: “I want attention, mom!”