When was the last time you considered why you teach the way you do? A teaching philosophy statement (TPS) is more than an academic exercise—it reflects your goals, values, and priorities as an educator. Whether preparing for the academic job market or just starting as a TA, crafting your TPS can help clarify your approach...
When you think of a PhD graduate, does a plaid shirt with khaki pants come to mind? Well, you missed out. For all you future PhD recipients who don’t relish the publish-or-perish lifestyle but plan to sell your soul for the mighty dollar, I have great news: Career Pathway’s week can show you the way...
Whether given in a literal elevator or at a networking event, an effective elevator pitch can set you up for success. It is a brief, clear, and compelling summary of your experiences, qualifications, and interests that can be delivered in 30-60 seconds (the time span of an elevator ride, hence the name). It is usually...
GWC would like to welcome our new graduate students another fresh welcome! We are happy you have chosen our too-cool school in the lovely, I.E. (aka Inland Empire) to do your graduate work. As you continue your academic journey, it is important to realize the sort of life you are entering into. Some of you...
Our writing process impacts the rest of our lives, and our daily lives similarly transform how we write. At one point, while stuck in the writing process, I considered all the things outside of academia that I found lifegiving and how they could inform my writing. What hobbies and activities inspire my writing? A few...
Welcome back, Highlanders! After a cozy winter break, you may be itching to return to where you left off before the break. Or, maybe you are running far from where you left off before your joyous, restful holiday. I am somewhere between the two. Either way, now is the time to face the new quarter...
Working as an English teacher abroad is an incredible opportunity. You’re experiencing different cultures, improving your language skills, and being paid to be a part of that city’s academic community. But, if you’re looking for another job or a raise, you’ll probably encounter the TESOL barrier. For those in the English-teaching circuit, the TESOL certification...
The holiday season is in full swing and entails many things: a respite from the endless barrage of emails and deadlines, an excuse to let loose and eat to your heart's content, and the one time of the year when festivities and gatherings are plenty. One way that I’ve always been able to get in...
Getting caught up in all the work and scholarship that must be done can quickly take the wind out of your sails. While you don’t need to shame yourself for feeling your feelings, shifting focus can be helpful. Pausing for a moment of gratitude can breathe life back into those sails to keep you going...
This comprehensive guide highlights where on campus there is free and fresh produce! Land Acknowledgment: a traditional practice that dates back centuries up to the present moment and recognizes Indigenous Peoples as the original stewards of the lands on which we now live. UCR resides on the land of the Cahuilla, Tongva, Luiseño, and Serrano...
This blog will introduce four writing and organization apps you need to hear about. I hope you’ll have at least two of these apps on your computer by the end of this entry! Notion Notion absolutely tops the list for me. It leans more toward organization and note-taking than writing, but it can do it...
Professional associations or societies are some of the oldest institutions adjacent to U.S. universities. The oldest society dates back to 1660 (Jorgensen, 2017). They are inextricably linked to knowledge production and scholars' professionalization process. Some associations or societies are old; some are new. Some are big (in the thousands), while others are small and intimate...
A mid-quarter evaluation is a valuable tool for providing feedback and helping improve the course. This is a time to encourage students to be honest, express what they see as the course's strengths, and acknowledge areas of growth in your teaching. Why do evaluations matter? Here are five ways they benefit you as an instructor/TA...
All academics have been here before in their writing process: staring at a blank page or screen and wondering how they will get from point A to point B before ripping their hair out. Endurance has been the name of the game for academics and students alike in higher education. In moments of frustration and...
Unless you live in a cave, you probably noticed a big election season happening right now. Elections are happening up and down the ticket, from the President of the United States to local boards and city councils. No matter which direction you lean in your political beliefs, it’s time to let your voice be heard...
You made it! All the applications, stressing over acceptance letters, researching and writing, moving to a new city, state, or even country, and now you’re here! But suddenly, you’ve been thrown into the world of teaching! How do you interact with students who may be around your age or maybe twenty years younger than you...
Welcome back, Highlanders! The Graduate Writing Center would like to welcome all our incoming graduate students! At the writing center, we provide graduate students with assistance, feedback, and practical help in improving their writing on multiple levels. Please schedule an appointment and come by if you need any help with the writing process. On another...
Maybe you’re just starting grad school, or this isn’t your first grad school rodeo. Whatever the case, a large part of any successful graduate student career is properly managing what time you spend where. As graduate students, we wear a lot of different hats—teacher, researcher, writer, student, person—and sometimes it’s hard to balance all of...
Stress is a natural response to challenges and demands, but it can take a severe toll on our physical and mental well-being when it becomes chronic. Understanding the physiological and psychological elements of stress and effective coping mechanisms is crucial for maintaining health. The Nature of Stress Stress can be categorized into two types: discreet...
You’ve made it through the summer! Whether you have basked in sunshine and bliss or were doomed to your tiny office and massive manuscript, reflecting on the summer behind you is important. How do you feel? Are you ready for a whole new academic year? If you answered ‘Not well’ or ‘Absolutely not’, this post...