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Tips for Writing Teaching Philosophy Statements

It is amazing how many documents we need to learn how to write and submit as we begin applying for potential teaching positions. When you apply, one document you will likely submit (along with a long resume) is called a teaching philosophy statement (TPS). This piece of writing should not necessarily talk about your immense...
By Christopher Valencia | | Writing, Advice

Summer Mindfulness

Whether on vacation all summer or hustling along like any other season, reflect on your summer so far. Have you felt present and in control? Have you basked in your strengths and successes? Have you sought happiness and pleasure? If you answered no to any of these questions, you may be in need of a...
By Jennifer Mosley | | Wellness, Non-Academic Life, Advice
A notebook and highlighter on a wood desk with some books at the top.

Making the Most of Your Professional Development This Summer

The GSRC has your professional development in mind this summer. Check out our lineup of events to help you prepare for your career after graduate school or your postdoc appointment.
By Jason Chou | | Professionalization

Language Learning Starts With the Summer

There are still plenty of ways to maximize your summer language study – whether you’re supplementing your program or considering enrolling. Here are a few opportunities to level up your language learning!
By Isoke Atiba | | Advice, Non-Academic Life

Summer Activities at the Graduate Writing Center

Summer is meant for beaches, long naps, sitting in a hammock reading a book, and ice cream that melts too quickly. In addition to our favorite summer activities, this break can be the perfect time to develop your writing skills! Summer activities at the Graduate Writing Center are a perfect opportunity for accountability in the...
By Cal Plett | | Writing, Support Services, Professionalization

Maintaining Productivity in Summer

The weather is warming up, and the beach is starting to sound more and more tempting. As someone eager for summer vacation, I find it hard not to look ahead and put school in the rearview mirror. Unfortunately, the harsh reality of a grad student is that the grind truly never stops. Here are five...
By Isoke Atiba | | Advice, Writing

De-stressing, Resetting, & Finishing Strong

We all handle stress differently. When the workload increases, the knots on our necks also begin to increase. In my experience, my snack cabinet suddenly has more snacks than usual. The workload throughout the year can increase or decrease depending on the season. When crunch time begins, it's good to knock out assignments as they...
By Christopher Valencia | | Advice, Wellness
A play on the word finished using Ph at the beginning

Congratulations to All of Our Graduates!

GradSuccess would like to be among the first to congratulate you on your accomplishment!
By Jason Chou | | Community Building

Using Citation Management Software

Producing scholarly work involves reading and synthesizing an often overwhelming amount of information from various sources such as journal articles, books, websites, reports, etc. Having a well-organized set of references from which to pull from can make the difference when writing scholarly papers like essays and manuscripts. Citation management software, also known as reference management...
By Gary Qin | | Professionalization, Advice

What I Learned at Career Pathways Week

This past Career Pathways Week was such a treat! In May, we hosted a week of talks, panels, workshops, and clinics in collaboration with the Teaching Assistant Development Program and the University Teaching Certificate Program aimed at earning faculty positions at institutions focused on teaching: community colleges, CSUs, and other state college systems, and liberal...
By Victoria Romano | | Professionalization

What I Learned Teaching My First Course as an Associate Instructor!

For context, I’ve been a TA every quarter since Summer 2020 and have served as a teaching assistant for various courses, from introductory-level psychology to more advanced upper-division seminars. Sometimes, I had as few as five students; other times, I had as many as 30 in a single session. Though there are many skills afforded...
By Shannon Brady | | Professionalization, Advice

Why Mentoring Matters - Open Mentoring Opportunities in GSMP

Mentorship in graduate school matters because national attrition rates are as high as 50%. At UCR, they hover around 30%. A study conducted in 2018 found that of the students who participated in the Graduate Student Mentorship Program (GSMP), fewer than 10% of mentees had dropped out of graduate school. What is the moral of...
By Monique Posadas | | Professionalization

Looking Forward to Career Pathways Week

Are you considering teaching at a Community College (CC) or California State University (CSU)? Then you are in luck — this quarter is Career Pathways Week: Teaching! Come learn about what it is like to transition and teach at CC or CSU. You will also have the opportunity to learn what skills and knowledge can...
By Nathaly Martinez | | Professionalization

Why I Took UTC: A Call to Better Teaching

Have you ever wished you had more exciting teaching practices that invited students to learn more deeply in your classroom? Me too! Before taking the University Teaching Certificate (UTC) Program, my teaching had hit a rut where I was doing the same activities over and over again. I felt stuck in a loop. This was...
By J Selke | | Professionalization

ORCID iD For Graduate Students

Have you ever wondered what the green bubble with the white text “ID” next to an author’s name means when reading a research article? It refers to ORCiD! ORCiD is a free and helpful resource for researchers of all backgrounds to link their work in one place. This is possible due to its global reach...
By Camila Alvarez | | Professionalization

Spring GradQuant Workshops

As the Spring quarter begins, GradQuant offers an exciting lineup of programs. For UCR graduate students and postdocs, GradQuant is a valuable resource for data analysis. If you're unfamiliar with GradQuant, here's a brief introduction to our staff and programming. GradQuant Consultants At the core of GradQuant programming is our team of consultants. GradQuant consultants...
By Da Gong | | Professionalization

Upcoming Spring 2024 GWC Workshops

Hello Highlanders! We hope all of you have been having a great year thus far. The 2023-2024 academic school year has been flying by! Many of you have been working diligently this school year and knocking out assignment after assignment. Or maybe, though you managed to turn in that paper, you felt like that writing...
By Christopher Valencia | | Professionalization

Peaceful and Relaxing Places to Read or Study Around Campus

As the sun begins to stay out longer, you may feel the itch of being outside to enjoy the nice weather and ditch your seclusion inside! UCR offers many indoor places to study, but what about outside? And how do I avoid high-traffic areas if I am trying to stay focused? Well, we have some...
By Matthew Kersting | | Wellness, Advice

My Top 5 Albums of All Time

I venture to believe that most people listen to music because it’s enjoyable. I also venture to believe that a substantial number, if not the majority, of graduate students and postdocs here at UCR listen to their favorite music sometime during the week, if not every day. Here at GradSuccess, music is a significant part...
By Jason Chou |

Polishing Your Paper

Many of us have our own writing methods. Some of us lock ourselves in our rooms for several hours and crank out our first draft. Others write for one hour, stop, rest for another hour, and repeat this process until the first draft appears. But, regardless of your process, getting the initial draft out is...
By Christopher Valencia | | Professionalization, Advice