
GradSuccess Job Opportunities

Thanks for your interest in working in GradSuccess! Go to our Graduate Student Opportunities webpage for more information about working at GradSuccess and other funding and employment opportunities.

General Eligibility and Minimum Requirements for All Positions
  • Applicants must be enrolled as graduate students while employed and must be in good standing with the university.
  • While each of the GradSuccess team members has specific job functions, the office works as a team.  Therefore, successful applicants must be able to work collaboratively in a team environment.
  • Ability to work with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, familiarity with Adobe PDFs. Ability to edit and maintain a Drupal website and maintain social media accounts with basic training.
  • Note: The preferred applicant will be no more than one year beyond normative time to completion of the degree and will have served as a TA for no more than 15 quarters.
  • Hybrid office - all positions work on campus at least 2 days per week
Application Requirements

Applications will require the following:

  • Online Application
  • Cover Letter
  • CV or Resume
  • Nomination of 1 or 2 Recommenders
    • The first recommender must be the applicant's PI, dissertation advisor, or graduate advisor.
    • The second (optional) recommender can be from someone familiar with the applicant's ability to work administratively.

For GradQuant employment opportunities, please check the GradQuant Job Openings page.

For Graduate Writing Center employment opportunities, please check the GWC Employment Opportunities page. 

For Graduate Student Resource Center (GSRC) and Teaching Assistant Development Program (TADP) employment opportunities, please see below.


  • Graduate Student Resource Center Lead Consultant

    The GSRC Lead Consultants engage with members of the campus community to develop and execute events for the enrichment of the graduate student community. The GSRC Lead Consultants may also be responsible for specialty programming, such as the GAANN fellowship program coordination. The Lead Consultants are responsible for recruiting faculty, staff or other graduate students to present at workshops throughout the academic year. GradSuccess usually hosts or co-hosts up to twenty events per quarter. The Lead Consultant will also maintain the GSRC website, online calendar, and budget as well as produce and distribute event marketing material. This position is a Graduate Student Assistant (hourly; not union represented) at $30/hour (maximum 19.5 hours/week) with GSHIP and fee fellowship (non-resident tuition is NOT included).



    • Plan and Execute Events
      • Plan for and Manage Events
      • Design and Market Materials
      • Coordinate with Campus Community and Recruit Event Speakers
    • Manage Social Media, GSRC Website, and Blog
    • Purchase Office Materials and Food
    • Make Room Reservations
    • Other Administrative Tasks

    Minimum Qualifications:

    • Must be a currently registered UCR graduate student in a terminal graduate degree (PhD or MFA)
    • Must be available for the entire academic year (Fall, Winter, and Spring)
    • Must have courteous and professional email etiquette as well as excellent interpersonal and communication skills
    • Must be highly organized, able to work within a budget, and keep excellent records
    • Must have excellent presentation, communication, and interpersonal skills
    • Must have knowledge of UCR graduate school and university cultures; must be able to work closely with and provide responsive programming for a diverse graduate student population
    • Must be comfortable communicating with faculty and staff
    • Must be available for the GradSuccess weekly Coffee Social (Wednesdays, 3-4pm) and some evening/night events

    Preferred Qualifications: 

    • Knowledge of campus departments and personnel as well as the larger University infrastructure
    • Have connections to the campus community, clubs, and other organizations
    • Experience working within a budget
    • Experience with Drupal
  • Graduate Writing Center Lead Consultant

    The Graduate Writing Center (GWC) Lead Consultant is responsible for holding writing consultations as well as developing and presenting workshops for UCR graduate students. The lead consultant will also be responsible for administrative tasks, such as updating the GWC website and GradSuccess blog, scheduling part-time consultants, and creating and maintaining resources for the center. The consultant also assists with promotion of the writing center through social media and on campus events, and may also assist at GradSuccess events as well. This is equivalent to a 50% TA position, Step dependent on experience.


    • Individual Graduate Student Consultations
    • Conducting Workshops
    • Administrative tasks
    • GradSuccess tasks
    • Social media, newsletter and website updating

    Minimum Qualifications:

    • Experience teaching
    • Excellent written and overall communication skills
    • Willing to develop skills in previously unfamiliar genres of academic writing
    • Organizational skills and ability to keep excellent records
    • Ability to work in a collaborative environment
    • Familiarity with Canvas and Drupal
    • Must be able to attend the two-day GWC orientation the first week of July 
    Preferred Qualifications: 
    • Experience supervising others in an office setting
    • Experience teaching writing and writing for the public (blogs/social media)
    • Experience with WCOnline
  • Part-Time Writing Center Consultant - Now HIRING 24-25 AY

    GWC Consultants are responsible for providing one-on-one writing consultations to graduate students from across all campus disciplines. Each consultant may also develop and present one or more workshops per quarter on a writing or professional development topic relevant to graduate students’ needs. Additionally, the consultants assist the GWC Coordinator with the creation of resources and other materials on specific writing and professionalization topics. Part-time consultants work 10-49% during the summer (usually a maximum of 12 hours per week) and 10% during the academic year, are compensated at $23/hour, and may hold other concurrent employment with approval from their department graduate advisor.

    Minimum Qualifications:

    • Experience teaching or TAing
    • Strong background in academic and/or professional writing
    • Must be able to work in a collaborative environment

    Preferred Qualifications: 

    • Understanding of common principles of effective academic writing
    • Demonstrated experience with academic or professional writing in a variety of contexts (e.g. course papers, fellowship applications, journal articles, or job materials)
    • Experience teaching undergraduate writing courses
    • Strong presentation, writing, and oral communication skills

    For more details, please check the GWC Employment Opportunities page. 

    If you have any questions, email Lauren Hammond at

  • Part-Time GradQuant Consultant

    The GradQuant Consultants are responsible for holding quantitative consultations as well as developing and presenting workshops in GradQuant. Additionally, the consultants assist the Lead Consultant with the creation of resources and promotion of GradQuant through social media and on-campus events (e.g., coffee socials). Part-time consultants work 10% during the academic year, are compensated at $23/hour, and may hold other concurrent employment with approval from their department graduate advisor.

    Minimum Qualifications:

    • Experience teaching or TAing
    • Strong background in quantitative methods training or computer programing
    • Must be able to work in a collaborative environment

    Preferred Qualifications: 

    • Understanding of qualitative methods
    • Demonstrated experience in quantitative methods, statistics, and/or programming