
Why I Took UTC: A Call to Better Teaching

By J Selke |

Have you ever wished you had more exciting teaching practices that invited students to learn more deeply in your classroom? Me too! Before taking the University Teaching Certificate (UTC) Program, my teaching had hit a rut where I was doing the same activities over and over again. I felt stuck in a loop. This was such a bummer, as I love to teach, and I want to make a career out of teaching at the university level. 

[Image Description: A young child frowning at the camera, then looking away]

The UTC Program came along, providing me with many exciting student engagement techniques that helped level up my teaching. UTC also provided me with so much more, including practices of accessibility and inclusion when teaching, a strong cohort of dedicated student-teachers, and an amazing group of faculty presenters who showed us their trade secrets to good teaching. UTC reenergized me to create impactful classrooms that challenge my students to learn more deeply, developing tools to make better connections inside and outside the classroom. 

[Image Description: A smiling woman hugging some drapes with the words “I LOVE THIS” in white at the bottom]

UTC also provided me a phenomenal opportunity to synthesize my teaching ideas into a teaching philosophy statement, evaluate as a teacher through a teaching observation, and create and edit my annotated syllabus to explain why teaching courses in my discipline in new and exciting ways matters. UTC can do this for you, too!

[Image Description: A woman folding paper over a sign that says “Get it Gurl” while holding back a smile]

The UTC Program is here to harness that commitment to teaching excellence and take it to the next level. This competitive, for-credit program is designed for students interested in teaching careers. The program will hone teaching skills and help develop best practices in curriculum and assessment design, classroom management, diversity and rapport, learning technologies, and much more. The next UTC cohort starts in Fall 2024, and the online application deadline is Tuesday, May 28th, 2024, by 9 a.m.

The UTC program takes place over two quarters. The first quarter of the program is shaped as an in-person graduate-style seminar on advanced pedagogy. During your first quarter in the program, you enroll in GDIV 301 (Mondays and Wednesdays at 11 a.m.). On Mondays, you lead discussions and participate in a discussion about pedagogical texts geared toward university-level pedagogy. On Wednesdays, guest faculty and graduate resource speakers will talk to you about various topics including, but not limited to, inclusive strategies for teaching, trauma-informed pedagogy, effective feedback, student motivation techniques, and much more! You will also be able to delve deeper into a pedagogy topic that interests you and present it to your peers during finals week.

In the second quarter of the program, you create a teaching portfolio that includes a teaching statement, an annotated syllabus, a reflection of your teaching strengths and weaknesses, and additional supplementary materials. You can get feedback from your peers on your materials before you submit them for the certificate. You will then have a MASSIVE head start on your teaching job market materials. While enrolled in the UTC program, you will have the opportunity to have the TADP Manager write you a letter of recommendation that captures all the great things you do in the classroom. 

[Image Description: Jenna Ortega speaking at a podium, saying “Highly recommend” with a thumbs up]

Teaching is about making information accessible to an audience of interested (and sometimes uninterested) people. Conveying ideas and concepts to advanced or novice folks is ubiquitous in the professional world. And for the love of all that is good, it is never a bad idea to make presentations more interesting and learner-focused. UTC can help you strengthen these communication skills.

To be eligible for the UTC program, you will need: 

If you complete the UTC program (apply here), you will receive a beautiful certificate that will enhance the appearance of any wall, filing cabinet, or bookcase in your office! Here’s to better teaching together!

[Image Description: Two hands clapping, with the caption, “Let’s get it done together”]