
UCR Principles of Community and GradSuccess

The University of California Riverside is committed to equitable treatment of all students, faculty, and staff. UCR's faculty, staff, and students are committed to creating an environment in which each person has the opportunity to grow and develop, and is recognized for their

There are three objectives that our campus must strive toward in order to achieve these goals.

  • First, we must ensure that we have an environment that nurtures the intellectual and personal growth of our students, faculty and staff.
  • Second, we must ensure that our campus sets an example of respect for all people.
  • Third, we must ensure that our campus is a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

We take pride in the diversity of the campus community and in ourselves by using the campus environment as a place, committed to academic integrity, where all members are encouraged to use their unique talents to enrich the daily life of the community in which they live, work, teach and learn. Respect for differences and civil discourse must become the hallmark of how we live and work together to build our community of learners at UCR.

We as members of the University of California Riverside affirm our responsibility and commitment to creating and fostering a respectful, cooperative, professional and courteous campus environment. Implicit in this mutual respect is the right of each of us to live, study, teach, and work free from harassment or denigration on the basis of race/ethnicity, age, religious or political preference, gender, transgender, sexual orientation, nation of origin, or physical abilities. Any violation of this right by verbal or written abuse, threats, harassment, intimidation, or violence against person or property will be considered a violation of the principles of community that are an integral part of the University of California’s focus, goals and mission (and subject to sanction according to University policies and procedures).

We recognize that we will all need to continually work together to make our campus community a place where reason and mutual respect among individuals and groups prevail in all forms of expression and interaction.


We expect all graduate students, postdocs, and other members of the campus community to act in accordance with the above UCR Principles of Community while attending GradSuccess-sponsored events and/or making use of GradSuccess office/classroom spaces and services (including, but not limited to, consultations, workshops, and office hours).

Verbal abuse and/or demeaning language directed at staff, faculty, sponsors, guests, or fellow students will not be tolerated and will be considered a violation of UCR's principles of community. In addition to being subject to possible sanction according to University policies and procedures, violators may also be banned from accessing GradSuccess services, spaces, and events for up to one quarter.