
Academic Development Day 2019: What To Look Forward To

By Beth Kopacz |


[Image Description: Fin, from Adventure Time, puts on a pair of glasses. He then gasps as the image zooms in all the way down to the atomic level to illustrate Fin's new, greater level of understanding.]

Pictured: An accurate depiction of how you absorb the information shared during Academic Development Day

Join GradSuccess for Academic Development Day on Friday, November 15th! This daylong series of panels, presentations, and workshops are designed to explore the challenges of academic career paths and to cultivate skills like cover letter writing, academic salary negotiation, and interview preparation.


[Image Description: Mel B speaking into a microphone, her arms spread wide in exclamation as she says: That was brilliant, brilliant!]

Pictured: How you’ll feel after listening to the panel discussions


The day includes three separate panels designed to address key topics you may find yourself navigating at some point during your academic career. Our day opens by bringing together newly hired UCR faculty to speak about their experiences transitioning from graduate degree to faculty appointment, including discussions about the academic job market, the application process, job talks, and campus visits.

The second panel will explore challenges around diversity and inclusion in academia especially as it relates to graduate school, the job market, and faculty positions. The day ends with a post-doctoral panel to discuss how current post-doc scholars view these positions within a larger academic career trajectory.


Spongebob writes the word the


[Image Description: A four-panel gif shows Spongebob Squarepants appearing to work hard on writing a document. Despite all the time and work, the last panel shows that he has only elegantly written the word, ‘The.’] 

Pictured: You starting your cover letter 


If you’d like to build your professional skill toolkit, the Graduate Writing Center is holding a concurrent session on academic cover letters. Sign up to learn the basics of cover letter writing or bring a draft of one of your cover letters to the advanced clinic where you will have the opportunity to meet with one of our writing center consultants and workshop your materials.

We are also offering sessions on interview preparation and academic salary negotiation, two important skills to have as you move on to the next stages of academia.


[Image Description: Monalisa Saperstein, from Parks and Recreation, holding her hand out across a conference table to her father as she demands, “Money please!”]

Pictured: How NOT to negotiate


Academic Development Day is on Friday, November 15th from 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Full and partial day registration is now open here!