Supporting Graduate Students' Academic and Professional Success

GradSuccess Hybrid Operations for Spring 2022
In order to maximize both safety and accessibility as we continue to navigate an unpredictable pandemic environment, GradSuccess, like the rest of Graduate Division, will be in the office on a hybrid schedule for Spring 2022. This means that someone will be in our office (University Office Building Room 141) from Monday through Thursday to help you, but not all staff members will be in all days. While these measures are in place, GradSuccess will be taking the following steps to continue meeting the needs of our graduate students:
GradSuccess Office
The GradSuccess office will offer drop in hours as follows:
- Mondays 9-11am
- Tuesdays 10am-12pm
- Wednesdays 11am-1pm
- Thursdays 2-4pm
If conditions permit, we are hoping to reintroduce free coffee and snacks for grad students visiting our office (though we ask that you remain masked while in the office and consume them once outside). We are also happy to answer your questions about upcoming events, TA requirements, and campus resources.
The Graduate Student Resource Center will continue to host the weekly coffee social on Wednesdays from 3pm-4pm in the Spieth/Life Sciences Courtyard, where there is shelter available in case of inclement weather. Free coffee and snacks will be served outdoors, with masks, so come by to take a much-needed break, get to know your fellow graduate students and learn about campus support offices. Most exciting of all, the Stress Relief Fair returned this Spring! Our Summer 2022 Stress Relief Fair will be on Tuesday, August 2nd, 4pm-6pm in the Spieth/Life Sciences Courtyard. Join us for free food and activities! Find out more on the GSRC Community page:
If you'd like to chat with someone about teaching, professional development, work/life balance or other challenges, such as figuring out your next steps as an international student or navigating grad school as a first generation student, check out our daily online Grad-to-Grad support hours.
Consultations and Drop-in Hours
At this time, we're planning to conduct all Graduate Writing Center and GradQuant consultations during Spring 2022 online via Skype (information on the process is posted to our WCOnline appointments system). GradQuant Drop-in Hours will take place as scheduled through Zoom. More information and the links to join are available on the GradQuant Drop-in Hours webpage.
TA Training and Support
TA Orientation has been moved online permanently - sign up here! TADP office hours and workshops will be held online for Spring 2022 - visit to learn more. Additional resources for teaching, especially related to hybrid teaching and technology issues, can be found at the Teaching@UCR site.
We hope you had a peaceful and productive spring break and are looking forward to seeing you - or at least your smiling eyes above your mask! - again soon.