
All Articles with the Category: Professionalization

An avenue of trees frame a gravel path leading towards an eighteenth century building.

What I Learned at Academic Pathways Week

Graduating within the next year? Wondering how to get started on your journey into academia post-graduate school? You may be looking for the right post-doc for you or you may be getting ready to apply to academic positions. Well, don't worry. The Graduate Student Resource Center has you covered! This month the GSRC hosted our...
By Nathaly Martinez | | Professionalization
An avenue of trees frame a gravel path leading towards an eighteenth century building.

Looking Ahead to After Grad: Academic Pathways Week

What are your short-term and long-term academic career goals? As you are seeking academic opportunities and creating a plan to reach these goals, check out our After Grad: Academic Pathways Week (November 1-5, 2021), where you can connect with professionals in your field and learn how to navigate the academic job market. Academic Pathways Week...
By Yi Zhou | | Professionalization
Welcome Back

Meet the New GradSuccess Staff!

Please join us in welcoming the new grad student members of our GradSuccess 2021-22 team!
By Hillary Jenks | | Professionalization
Graduation picture of Antara from the shoulders up, wearing tartan tam and holding flowers

PhD Spotlight: Antara Chakravarty

We're closing out our annual Summer PhD Spotlight series with Dr. Antara Chakravarty. Antara has just completed her PhD in Plant Pathology.
By Hillary Jenks | | Professionalization, Job Search, Non-Academic Life, Advice
Blackboard with hand writing words such as "Career," "Hope," and "Dream job"

Professional Development Resources at UCR

Check out resources UCR offers to help you grow your professional skills and achieve your career goals.
By Yelda Serin, PhD | | Professionalization, Job Search

Programs and Resources to Build Up Your Curriculum Vitae and/or Resume

Going on the job market in the future? Here are some programs and resources you can apply for to build up your curriculum vitae or resume!
By Kyla Rankin | | Professionalization, Job Search, Support Services

Looking Back on Career Pathways Week

After Grad: Academic Pathways Week came and went like a high-speed train, but the lessons it imparted will last forever. Join me as I give a short summary of what I and other graduate students learned from this week-long series of panels, presentations, and workshops designed to support graduate students and postdocs who are taking...
By Kristoffer Ekroll | | Professionalization, Advice
Work from Home

Making the Most of Working From Home

In this time where we are all working from home, being mentally and physically present with yourself is important. It is also crucial to recognize when zoom fatigue hits. I highly suggest reading my colleague’s piece on boundary-making for her advice on self-care, which touches on these very topics. What I want to add to...
By Jamiela Kokash | | Advice, Professionalization

After Grad: Career Pathways Week Is Almost Here

Are you interested in pursuing a career outside of traditional academia? Do you ever wonder what kinds of opportunities there are outside of the confines of the campus? Do you want to understand more clearly what “transferable skills” you have attained by earning your degree? Then After Grad: Career Pathways Week is for you! CPW...
By Kristoffer Ekroll | | Professionalization, Advice
An avenue of trees frame a gravel path leading towards an eighteenth century building.

Highlights from After Grad: Academic Pathways Week!

GradSuccess held its annual professional development event focused on the academic job market in Week 7 of the Fall 2020 term. Given the scheduling challenges of the pandemic and the universal onset of Zoom fatigue, we chose this year to spread out the panels, workshops, clinics, and keynotes over a full week instead of having...
By Hillary Jenks | | Advice, Professionalization

UCR Career Center Graduate Student Career Specialist

Writing a research paper? Not a problem! Book chapter? Done! Writing a blog? I have never done that! [ Image Description: Vanessa Lee smiling at the viewer.] Pictured: The face of grad student career know-how When I was asked to write a blog post to talk about UCR’s Career Center and our services for graduate...
By Vanessa Lee | | Advice, Professionalization

Teaching and TAing Smoothly over Summer

Summer sessions here at UCR provide a great opportunity for many graduate students to gain valuable teaching experience. During the academic year, we graduate students work as TAs, but in the summer we can try our hand as Instructors. Depending on your perspective, this may be an exciting idea or a scary one – or...
By Sarah Murray | | Teaching, Professionalization
Text reads "We're Hiring" over an aerial view of a desk with a laptop and coffee

Why Do You Want to Work for GradSuccess?

Hey UCR grad students! Are you looking for summer employment, funding for the next academic year, or just a way to earn some extra money in addition to your TAship? Hoping to expand your administrative skill set? Interested in improving the graduate student experience at UCR? If you answered YES to any (or better yet...
By Hillary Jenks | | Advice, Professionalization

Three Steps to Landing an Ideal Internship

February is almost over! For UCR graduate students, this not only means finals and spring break are coming, but it also means it’s time to start thinking about what getting an internship lined up before the summer starts! If you want to gain some real-life experience, now is the time to get started on the...
By Judy Zhu | | Professionalization, Advice

So You Want to Make Connections: Networking 101

[ Image Description: David Rose, from Schitt’s Creek, exclaims, "I love making connections."] Pictured: What your internal monologue should be before any networking event Networking is a pretty loaded word. What does it mean to network? I suppose when it comes down to it, one can describe networking as creating a system of connections. We...
By Jamiela Kokash | | Professionalization, Advice
Job search and Interview session with Kristine Fioresi

What's Happening at After Grad: Career Pathways Day

Are you looking to broaden your professional network and explore diverse career opportunities in industry, government, and non-profit? Then we have just the event for you! Join GradSuccess on Friday, February 7th for our annual After Grad: Career Pathways Day. This daylong professional development event focuses on job preparation, networking, and post-graduation career exploration. [...
By Elizabeth Kopacz | | Professionalization, Advice
Writing Notes

Finding Support as a First-Time TA

While the first quarter you work as a Teaching Assistant (TA) may feel overwhelming, know that you don't need to worry! There is support--ranging from workshops, campus resources, and professional development events--to help support you as you build your teaching skills. Read on to find out about resources on-campus and online that can help you...
By Sarah Murray | | Teaching, Professionalization

It's Time For Grad Slam!

Are you a grad student conducting research or working on a creative project at UCR? Eager to share that work with the campus community and broader public? Looking to get feedback on your presentation skills? Interested in potentially winning a lot of money? If you answered yes to any (or all) of these questions… Grad...
Students standing aroud life sized textbooks, pens, and paper

What I Learned at Academic Development Day

Academic Development Day (ADD), our first of three annual GradSuccess professional development events, took place on Friday, November 15. During ADD we learned about the academic job market, interview tips, securing post-doctoral positions, and much more! Unable to attend but still interested in the valuable information other graduate students got out of the day? Read...
By Tyler Womack | | Professionalization, Academics & Research
Stack of Books on a desk

Why You Should Apply for the 2020 University Teaching Certificate Program

When you think about teaching, what is it about teaching that you find so attractive? Is it the immersion in topics you love and the ability to share that love with your students? Might it be the knowledge that you are training the next generation of scholars to work in your field? Is it the...
By John Haberstroh | | Teaching, Professionalization