
All Articles with the Category: Wellness

Summer Mindfulness

Whether on vacation all summer or hustling along like any other season, reflect on your summer so far. Have you felt present and in control? Have you basked in your strengths and successes? Have you sought happiness and pleasure? If you answered no to any of these questions, you may be in need of a...
By Jennifer Mosley | | Wellness, Non-Academic Life, Advice

De-stressing, Resetting, & Finishing Strong

We all handle stress differently. When the workload increases, the knots on our necks also begin to increase. In my experience, my snack cabinet suddenly has more snacks than usual. The workload throughout the year can increase or decrease depending on the season. When crunch time begins, it's good to knock out assignments as they...
By Christopher Valencia | | Advice, Wellness

Peaceful and Relaxing Places to Read or Study Around Campus

As the sun begins to stay out longer, you may feel the itch of being outside to enjoy the nice weather and ditch your seclusion inside! UCR offers many indoor places to study, but what about outside? And how do I avoid high-traffic areas if I am trying to stay focused? Well, we have some...
By Matthew Kersting | | Wellness, Advice

Maintaining Physical Wellness as a Grad Student

The journey towards and achievement of a graduate degree is a significant life milestone, but it should never come at the expense of your health. As graduate students, we typically have sedentary lifestyles, hunched over a desk or lab bench like with many professions nowadays. We might also take shortcuts in our diet and nutrition...
By Gary Qin | | Wellness, Advice

Relaxation (and Preparation) for Winter Quarter

As we make our way out of fall and into winter, we all need to take some well-earned rest! Relaxing during downtime is essential to keep productivity up (i.e., not getting burned out from the constant work stream). Burnout can sneak up on you, so you must care for yourself. If you can, visit your...
By Matthew Kersting | | Wellness, Advice

5 Ways to be Recharged during Grad-School

For the past few weeks, most of us graduate students at UC Riverside have probably been on the grind . Day in and day out, we have been in the books. And, as we go on, perhaps we have discovered that our mental stamina has taken a toll. via GIPHY [ Image Description : Cartoon...
By Christopher Valencia | | Wellness, Advice

7 Ways to De-Stress ON Campus

De-stress ON Campus? YES! Academics and campus work are often the cause of much stress. Paradoxically, campus can also be the key to unlocking numerous sources of stress relief resources. Don’t believe me? Let me count the ways. via GIPHY [ Image Description : Disney’s Meilin Lee in her fluffy Red Panda form, stroking herself...
By Monique Posadas | | Wellness

10 Things to Do for Scary Season

It’s October, which calls for cooler weather, longer nights, and seasonal foods. But with all the fun that spooky season can be, this time of the quarter can be busy and stressful. As such, here are ten things you can do for the spooky season to reduce stress, build community, and get in the festive...
By J Selke | | Wellness, Advice

Welcome to Fall Quarter!

Can you believe fall quarter is already here? It seems like just a moment ago, we were in the middle of the summer heat. It’s subtle, but the change of seasons is in the air, and fall is here in California – cooler nights, milder days, and soon some of the leaves will change color...
By Dawn Loyola | | Advice, Wellness

What the Heck Comes Next!?

The Career Center has invited the Graduate Student Resource Center to team up and start a podcast focused on your career development while in graduate school.
By Monique Posadas and Jason Chou | | Wellness, Professionalization, Academics & Research

Make Time to Go Out, Hang Out, and Chill Out!

Prioritize your physical and mental health this year for success in graduate school and beyond by intentionally scheduling time to have fun, relax, and enjoy good company.
By Jason Chou | | Wellness, Advice
Stack of Books on a desk

GWC Heat Index

Summer reading recommendations from the Graduate Writing Center staff.
By Leah Washburn | | Wellness

Summer Bucket List: LA and Orange County

This blog post offers UC Riverside grad students suggestions for things to do in neighboring LA and Orange County during the summer break.
By Gary Qin | | Wellness

What to Do About Summer Burnout

For most graduate students, summers can be hard. This article discusses strategies that can help grad students balance being productive while also enjoying their summer break to prevent and treat burnout.
By Kristen Herbert | | Wellness, Advice
silhouette of a woman running in a larger silhouette of a woman sitting with legs crossed

Stay Well This Summer

Prioritize your mental and physical health this summer. It's good to be productive even over the summer, but it's even more important to relax and recharge.
By Jason Chou | | Wellness

Why I Enjoy Being a Graduate Student Resource Center Lead Consultant

One of the Graduate Student Resource Center Lead Consultants reflects on why he enjoys working in the Resource Center and how it has helped him prepare for his professional future.
By Kristoffer Ekroll | | Professionalization, Wellness
Palm trees swaying over a parking lot

Spring Break Bucket List Ideas

Spring Break is a great time to relax and do something fun! Here are some ideas to help you plan a memorable spring break.
By Judy Zhu | | Wellness
Scrabble board spelling out life, work, balance, etc.

Starting the Quarter Off Right

As we settle into a new quarter, try these tips for boosting your productivity and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
By William Ota | | Wellness
White text on black background shows a "loading" bar and says "Adulting, Please Wait..."

How Instructors Can Support "Adulting" Students

How can instructors, especially TAs, best support traditional-age, or "emerging adult," students? Read on for research into issues impacting college-age students and some suggestions on how to help them succeed in your classroom.
By Corinne Tam | | Teaching, Wellness

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! First of all, if you haven’t read Matt Arthur’s Thanksgiving blog from last year, I highly recommend it. For this Thanksgiving, though, I thought I’d share some thoughts on what it means to me personally to be thankful and to give thanks. I still speak Chinese regularly at home...
By Jason Chou | | Wellness